Q: I have an incredibly round face. In fact, back in Fifth grade, I won the Pi Day contest for having the roundest face in my class. What type of shirt collar should a guy with a round face like me wear? – James D.
A: James, if you’re looking for a shirt collar that’ll do the Pi Day champion justice, we recommend the Point Collar (or “Narrow Straight Point”) as an excellent choice for the slimming effects it has on rounder face shapes. In a Point Collar, the space between the collar points (tips of the collars) will be less, creating the illusion of a slimmer face. As for a tie to complement this collar style, the Four-in-Hand knot has a smaller, longish shape to the knot that is perfect for narrow spread collars.

shirt collar types

Oval Face

For an oval-shaped face, the Classic “Semi-spread” Collar is an unbeatable duo. For those who are uncertain about your face shape (or don’t care about going that extra mile in sartorial flattery), this is usually a “can’t go wrong” starting place for most of your dress shirt staples. As for complementary tie knots, the Half-Windsor’s (The Windsor’s Smaller Brother) equilateral triangular knot is a perfect candidate for the medium spread collar. (For those of you who failed geometry, an equilateral triangle is one where all sides are the same length.)

Angular Face

Finally, for angular face shapes with a narrow chin, the wider Spread Collar is a perfect pairing to balance out all the angles. The Windsor Knot (“Full Windsor” or “Double Windsor”) has a larger and wider-based triangular knot that is most appropriate for this collar’s spacious spread.

And remember, these are only tips for taking your shirt game up a notch, not definitive “rules” you must live and die by. With that said, knowing what pieces work best for your body (and face) type is one of the essential pillars of dressing well!


Hope that helps James!

Got more questions on shirt collars? Leave a comment below or shoot us a message at concierge@blacklapel.com! 


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