Should You Wear A Suit To An Interview? These Makeovers Say Yes

What happens when you put internship-minted young adults into custom suits? Well, you make the case for always wearing a suit to an interview.
We suited up these four aspiring individuals through our partnership with Year Up, a non-profit organization that helps low-income young adults reach their potential through career development and corporate internship placement.
The results speak for themselves and for anyone wondering what to wear to an interview. Check out the before and after photos of our Year Up students in well-fitting suits as they prep for corporate interviews.
Should You Wear A Suit To An Interview?
Generally, yes, always. Despite what’s on your resume, an in-person interview is the most important first impression. You have to look professional and put together and there’s no better way to do that than with a tailored suit. See the makeover photos below to see what a difference a suit as interview attire can make compared to the infamous chinos and dress shirt combination.
Meet Abishai
Abishai dreams of a career in Artificial Intelligence. Here, he looks interview-ready in a custom-fitted Navy Blue Suit.
Meet Troy
Troy is seeking a career in Business Management, within the Finance sector. Here, he rocks a powerful 3-piece Baltic Blue Custom Suit for upcoming interviews.
Meet Izzy
Izzy is gearing up for a career in Anti-Money Laundering. Here, she transforms into a boss lady in our Clarkson Check Custom Suit.
Meet Maurice
Maurice is prepping for a career in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics. Here, he breaks our interview suit rule, but looks professional in tailored suit separates that are still interview appropriate for his field.
Best Color Suits For Interview

So, should you wear a suit to an interview? Yes, you should. It can be the difference between job and no job. If the before and after makeover photos here don’t sell you, start shopping for interview suits on your own.
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I have been retired for some years, but in several positions in finance I interviewed and hired entry level to senior executive positions, so my credentials are from the front line.
Your advice to wear a suit to every professional interview is absolutely dead on. If you want to be a water-boy, wear a tee shirt. If you want to be an owner, look like one. Peggy Noonan recently wrote a column in the WSJ about the paucity of fully adult personalities on our national scene and the proliferation of “tee-shirt culture.” She was exactly right. Wearing a suit and tie won’t necessarily make you a person of substance, mature, responsible and dignified, but a tee shirt and hoodie speak volumes.
The interview uniform at the business schools I recruited from was navy suit, white shirt, red tie – male and female versions. Any candidate who could introduce some creativity and style to this basic formula, a tie, pocket square, socks even, immediately stood out from the crowd.
I like where you are going, keep it up.
THANK YOU for using un-models!! There’s no great feat in making professionals look good in clothes. The models you’ve chosen prove that the right fitting clothes will make everyone look good.