Our Favorite Subscription Boxes For Men

When did getting mail start sucking? You used to look forward to it. When you were a kid, you asked your parents if there was anything for you. There wasn’t usually. But when there was, you were happy to get it.
It felt like such an honor when something was addressed to you. You felt important and special. Perhaps it was a card from your grandmother. She’d always gotten your birthday celebration started with an early card, accompanied by a crisp bill.
Getting mail today usually means somebody’s asking you for money in the form of a bill. And chances are, they’re asking for more than grandma ever sent you. But some mail still excites you.
Getting a package, in today’s world of online shopping, can summon up that feeling you had when you got mail as a kid. You see a box. You anticipate all the use/fun/happiness you will get out of what’s inside. It’s like being in a restaurant and having an amazing dish set down in front of you, still steaming from the kitchen. Anticipation is almost the best part. If all of that sounds good to you, why not ensure that it happens regularly? How? Try out one of a host of stylish subscription boxes for men out there just like you.
Who Are These Subscriptions For?
If you’re like most readers of this publication, there are a few things we can assume about you:
- You’re a man,
- You care about how you present yourself (expressed through your clothes, your grooming, etc.), and
- You know that fashion, like the mail, comes and goes, but true style is timeless.
If that sounds like you, keep scrolling. Actually, even if that doesn’t sound like you, keep scrolling, you might learn something.
Four Ways to Rock Your Mailbox
Below is our list of the top four most stylish subscription boxes for men. All are Compass-approved, but they’re each unique. Scroll down to see which one is best for you.
Manliness Now Comes in a Box

Bespoke Post
If you want to be challenged to try something new every month, you should subscribe to Bespoke Post. Boxes contain clothes and accessories. Boxes also contain small objects that help you get stylish and maintain your style.
Bespoke Post delivers tools for manly pursuits like shining a pair of shoes, carving wood or mixing up a batch of mint juleps. They make instructional videos and articles to help you make the most out of your new stuff.
Best of the Box

In case you didn’t notice the 300+ articles in The Compass, we’ll come right out and say it: writing is kind of our thing. Still, most of our words begin life on a computer screen and live their whole lives there. So seeing the fountain pen that came in the Frontier box from Bespoke Post got us yearning for an opportunity to put pen to paper. Author or not, every man ought to have a classy pen for signing those important documents or just balling out while you take notes at a staff meeting.
The Small Stuff You’re Sweating

The Urban Dictionary definition of sweating is “Calling, following, and/or obsessing over a person,” as in “Damn, kid, stop sweatin’ me.” Some guys sweat accessories. If you’re the kind of guy who’s always asking sharply dressed men where they got their tie or you’ve got a penchant for pocket squares or you’re crazy for cufflinks, then Sprezza Box is the subscription for you.
With their extensive selection of smart accessories, including Sprezza brand ties and pocket squares, you’ll get a steady supply of pops of color and sharp accents for your wardrobe.
Best of the Box

Sometimes we use accessories in an unexpected way (see our article on how to Hacks-essorize your wardrobe) to add interest to our outfits. Other times the accessories bring the interest on their own, like this conversation piece tie clip from Sprezza. It’s subtle, yet stylish and, with a billionaire maniac on the loose cutting people’s ties off, it sends the right message to any would be attackers who try to lay siege to your steez.
Business is Grooming

Birchbox Man
Back in 2012, Birchbox had already gone from a pet project to a full-fledged beauty products player when they decided to get into the men’s grooming game. A lesser brand might have called it Brobox or some such nonsense, but kudos to the ladies at Birchbox Men for keeping it simple. And simplicity is what we like about these boxes. You answer a few questions about your skin, hair and grooming preferences, and they take it from there with smart suggestions about how to keep your body looking and feeling like a temple.
Best of the Box

Birchbox ships out plenty of grooming products that you’ve seen in these pages before, but boxes sometimes include small stylish items like this card case from Roosevelt Supply. Slim and sleek, keeping this case stocked with cards means no more thumbing through your wallet (and broadcasting to the world exactly how much cash you carry) just to hand somebody your card. Keep is sophisticated with this simple leather case.
A Little of This and a Little of That

Gentleman’s Box
Let’s say you like the themed boxes that Bespoke Post offers but you like the focus on stylish accessories that Sprezza Box offers. Relative newcomer, Gentleman’s Box is squarely in the middle. Themed boxes include accessories and grooming products and for some light reading, a copy of the current issue of GQ. If a style sampler is more your thing, Gentleman’s Box is just what the doctor ordered.
Best of the Box

We’re big fans of the NATO strap watch (as we’ve stated in the past). Their chameleon-like ability to work with many styles makes them easy to wear everyday watches. So, when we saw one in the January’s Innovator Gentleman’s Box, we knew these guys knew what time it was.
Putting It All Together
We hope we’ve inspired you to think inside the box with these choices of stylish subscription boxes for men. Subscribing to any of these boxes will help you regularly step up your accessories game. Now your only problem is figuring out how to put all your stylish new accessories together. Don’t worry, though, you’ve got us to help you out. Just check our Suit and Tie Combinations for All Seasons for a regularly updated dose of perfect pairings.
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