If we had it our way this holiday season, we’d all be walking out to our driveways blindfolded to unwrap our very own Aston Martin DB9 with a giant red bow on top and Kate Upton sitting on the hood ready to show us how to do the Dougie. Unfortunately, gifts don’t always pan out so gloriously, hence the proverbial ugly holiday sweaters hanging in our wardrobe as vestigial reminders of uninspired gift giving.

So to save you from those awkwardly fake “Ohhhh…wow, I… love it” moments with friends and family these holidays, we’ve put together a list of stylish Black Lapel approved gift ideas that we know will win some real smiles from your college frat boy little bro or your old man. And remember, the best gift givers send a personal message with their gifts: Help your little brother man up for the real world with a straight edge razor; Nudge a sloppy friend sick with a serious case of Bad Fit Disease to dress better with a gift card to a certain awesome custom clothing company. You get the idea!

Without further ado, our 2012 Guide to Gift Giving: 

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