It’s completely unnecessary, yet absolutely essential. Unlike its utilitarian ancestor, the handkerchief, the modern pocket square is purely form over function.

Straightforward, trim, and low-maintenance, a square fold pocket square is always an appropriate accent to a well-dressed man’s ensemble.

There was a time when the square fold was the only fold for most men. Exhibit A: Don Draper. Of course, the men of Don’s era may have been influenced by the only president to ever have his own men’s accessories and suit shop, Harry Truman. The 33rd President so popularized his own stiff brand of square fold it became known as the “Presidential Fold” throughout the 1950s.

These days the square fold is back, but in a more relaxed style. The edge no longer needs to be sharp enough to give you a paper cut. The rectangle formed by the fold doesn’t need to be meticulously aligned to ensure that each angle is exactly 90 degrees.

While a perfectly crispy square still looks sharp, a slight angle and a relaxed edge can give it a touch of sprezz. A square fold is timeless and it looks sharp with any outfit. Pulling it off is so simple we skipped our usual how-to guide in favor of a fun video!


How do you personalize your square fold? Have any other go-to folds? Let us know below.